In a world where сonneсtivity is inсreasingly vital, satellite сommuniсation stands out as a powerful tool for bridging the digital divide and сonneсting remote and underserved сommunities to the global teleсommuniсations network. From isolated rural areas to disaster-striсken regions, satellite сommuniсation plays a сruсial role in providing internet aссess, emergenсy сommuniсations, and essential serviсes to those who would otherwise be […]
Satellite Сommuniсation: Сonneсting the Unсonneсted
Advantages and Disadvantages of iPhone: Is It Worth Buying?
The first iPhone was released in 2007. The gadget became a real sensation and revolutionized the market as there were no analog devices at that time. Happy device owners shared their enthusiasm, and as a result, Apple quickly became one of the most popular and rapidly growing companies. The brand’s stocks skyrocketed, attracting both regular people and experienced investors. For […]
Why should you buy an iPhone: Top important reasons
The presentation of the first iPhone took place in 2007. The gadget was later called revolutionary in the mobile industry. The device quickly gained popularity. New releases still generate excitement among buyers today and bring enormous profits to Apple brand owners. In 2022, another iPhone was released. The price on the official website starts at $1000, which is quite high […] Casino Chief Designer Tells What Challenges Mobile Software Developers Face
Recently, according to Bithound’s review of Casino, chief designer gave an interview in which he spoke about the problems faced by developers of mobile software for casinos. Unlike other software developers, they face challenges that make their work more difficult. The interview was meant to highlight and address these challenges so that those in the industry can be more […]
Facebook began laying an underwater cable between Europe and North America
Facebook, in cooperation with several other technology companies, will lay a fiber-optic cable under the Atlantic Ocean, which will significantly increase the speed of Internet connections. It is reported by CBC News.
Mobile app and game downloads hit a new record
In 2021 users around the world spent a total of $ 170 billion for mobile applications, an increase of 19% over the previous year.
China sets record for 6G data transfer speeds
China has tested a promising network designed to transmit data through the air, the South China Morning Post reports.
Video content streaming growth has slowed globally
Worldwide consumer use of video streaming services slowed to 1% in the fourth quarter of 2022. On an annualized basis, streaming globally grew by 7%, according to a report by analytics company Conviva.
The EU will pass a law to control the Internet
The European Union is preparing to adopt a first-of-its-kind law on digital services, a draft of which has been discussed by the European Parliament.